
Baptism is the first of the Sacraments of Initiation. In baptism a person is welcomed into the Christian Community and publicly acknowledges their faith in Christ. It is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Baptism is the Church’s way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God and, along with the other sacraments, begins a lifelong journey of meaning, dignity and faith.

-  Baptism for Infants (up to 7 years old)

It has been the tradition of the Catholic Church to baptise infants and allow the parents, with the support of the community, to pass their faith on to their children. 

At Holy Spirit baptism means being welcomed in the Church and being part of the worshiping, Eucharistic community that gathers each weekend.   If baptism has not occurred when a child is still an infant then we do not offer baptism to older children until they are in a position to make a conscious faith decision about joining such a worshiping Eucharistic community.

Make an appointment to meet with the priest

To start the process to have a child baptised you will need to contact us at

Selecting a date

The booking request form below can be completed to determine availability for a date. Baptisms are generally offered on 1st & 3rd Saturday mornings from 10am, 10.55am and 11.40am (Individual Baptism) and 2nd & 4th Saturday from 10am and 11.30am (Group Baptism).

Complete and Return Enrolment form

Once a date has been selected, the enrolment form (available for download below) can be downloaded, completed, scanned and returned to the parish office at

A copy of the child's birth certificate must be attached with the enrolment form which must have the  "Family Law Matters" section signed by both parents to allow the booking to be confirmed.

Payment of the enrolment fee can be made to the BSB and account number listed on the form. this payment must be made before the booking can be confirmed. The priest is paid a stipend on the day of the baptism by the family. The amount of the stipend is a discretionary amount.

Enrolment application form

Catechism Class

In preparation for a child's baptism parents and godparents are required to attend catechism class specifically focused on the sacrament of baptism.

These classes are held at the Holy Spirit Church, 16 Villiers Street, New Farm on the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month between 6.45 pm and 7.15 pm. At this short preparation meeting the priest will outline some of the symbols used at the ceremony, detail the responsibilities of the parents and godparents and answer any questions parents may have. Allocation to a class will occur once the parish office has received the completed enrolment form and payment for the Sacrament.

This course and other requirements must be completed before the Sacrament of Baptism can be received.

Baptism Preparation for older Children (over the age of 7 years)

At times there are children who have not been baptised, yet they and their parents would like them to join the Catholic faith. Once a year, during Lent, the parish will conduct preparation classes for these older children so that they can be baptised during our Easter celebrations. See RCIA for further details

Adult Faith Education and The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism who are above the age of infant baptism.

Refer to RCIA here for more details .


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