Parish Lunch 29 September at 1.30PM
All are welcome to attend this fundraising event to support the formation of future Scalabrinian Missionaries.
Please RSVP by 16 September using the following link
Parish Lunch 29 October at 1.30PM
All are welcome to attend this fundraising event in conjunction with the canonical visit of Rev Fr. Ignacio Gutierrez CS (Fr Nacho).
Please RSVP by 22 October using the following link
7 June 2023 Fr Chris Alar speaking at Holy Spirit New Farm
‘ Understanding Divine Mercy’ with Fr Chris Alar
Please click HERE to view the program
PARISH LUNCH 28 August at 1.30pm at Holy Spirit School Hall.
All are welcome to attend this Multicultural and fundraising event. All profits made on this day will go towards the much needed and appreciated renovations to our parish presbytery. Details see below.
Please RSVP by using this link by Monday 15 August:
Holy Spirit Church Restoration Works - “A Legacy of Faith Campaign”
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The renovations of the Presbytery are now completed. These as I have mentioned provide accommodation for the increased number of Priests that are now here at New Farm serving you.
These renovations are the third and final stage of the restoration works which Fr Nacho launched back in 2018. Unfortunately, with the intervention of Pandemic these works have been delayed and reflective of the building industry as a whole the cost of these have unavoidably increased.
Therefore, I am writing once again to ask to continue making a contribution, or those who may not yet have made a contribution to this worthy cause, that if you are able to, you consider making a donation towards the Restoration of our Church and the Renovation of the Presbytery.
Contributions can be made a number of ways including the ability to still make a tax deductible donation through the National Trust of Qld towards the Church restoration costs (Please see the attached image on how to donate).
Thank you and God bless,
Fr Syrilus
Easing of restrictions in Queensland
The Queensland Government has announced the following upcoming easing of restrictions in Queensland from 6pm on Friday 4 March 2022:
Masks will no longer be required indoors, except in hospitals, residential aged care, disability accommodation, prisons, public transport, airports and on planes. Therefore masks are not required at parish Masses and in parish offices. Masks are still recommended to be worn when you can’t socially distance. Current practices of hand sanitisation should remain in place.
Places of worship will no longer have capacity limits, and this will include funerals and weddings.
The Rite of Reconciliation can be made available as per pre-Covid arrangements
SYNOD 2021 - 2023, For a synodal Church
Pope Francis wants to hear from us!
Until 27 February 2022, all Catholics are invited to have their say about their experiences of ‘synodality’ – of walking together as a Church.
All submissions received nationally will help the Australian Bishops develop a report to support the global process leading to an international gathering in 2023. This is not to be confused with the Australian Plenary Council which is running concurrently with the Synod. The Plenary Council focus is on the Church in Australia. The Synod is focussed on the Church globally.
Your voice matters, and it could be as simple as getting together with family, friends or fellow parishioners and having a “Coffee Conversation”. This short video offers encouragement on how easy it can be to have your say:
You can make your submission here:
Attending Mass Updates
Requirements using the Check In Qld app are changing.
At venues where unvaccinated people are permitted to attend, ie churches, the parish will no longer need to collect contact information from attendees via the Check In app.
You must continue to use the Check In Qld app for entry to:
wedding ceremonies and receptions, when more than 20 people attend, including the wedding party and officials, or
private hire of a venue, where more than 20 people attend, or there is more than 1 person per 4 square metres
Masks are mandatory
Masks remain mandatory when indoors, and priests are required to wear their masks at all times including while at the altar during the Eucharistic prayer. Priests and readers may remove their masks while at the ambo where there is a need to communicate more clearly.
Thank you for your understanding.
Fr Syrilus' Installation Mass on Sunday, 26 September at 9.30am
Please join us for this special occasion to welcome Fr Syrilus as our Parish Priest at Holy Spirit, the Mass will be presided by our Archbishop Mark Coleridge. This will be a multicultural celebration together with the Italian Community and the Latin American Community.
All are welcome, seat MUST be pre-booked from Thursday, 16 September at 4PM via this link:
Please bring some food along to share after the mass. The food needs to be individually wrapped, so its best to purchase pre-wrapped foods, for example biscuits or cakes. We hope to see you all there for this joyous celebration.
Face masks required inside the church. Please use the Check In Qld app when you come to Mass.
Thank you for your understanding.
Should the current lockdown lifted on Sunday 4PM, the Sunday Mass will commence at 5PM
Please book at - bookings open from Sunday at 11AM. Face masks required in the church. Please use the Check In Qld app every time you come to Mass. Thank you for your understanding.
Live-streamed from Holy Spirit Church
“Holy Spirit Catholic Church New Farm” Facebook page
All parishioners are encouraged to following the “Holy Spirit Catholic Church New Farm” Facebook page. Here you will find news and updates about our parish. During lockdown, the masses were livestreamed on this page. If you aren’t already on “Facebook” please consider joining, so you can be involved in these livestreamed masses. Thank you Fr Syrilus for this new and wonderful incentive.
Fr Nacho and Fr Joseph's Farewell Party on Sunday 13 June at 5PM at Norman Hotel, Woolloongabba
Please come and join us to thank and celebrate these two wonderful Fathers! details see below.
Please RSVP by using this link by Monday 7 June: See you there for a great celebration!
Divine Mercy Sunday 11 April 2021 at 2.15PM
Numbers are limited. Please book at or contact the parish office. Face masks required in the church. Thank you for your understanding.